lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008


I think it's funny or rather...not funny but somewhat incorrect that certain Catholics practice little rituals and place their faith elsewehere besides in God and Jesus. An example of this is in Pan's Labyrinth (I know this movie has been mentioned before) when Ofelia wants her mother to get better so she places a mandrake root that is claimed to be a plant that strived to be a human in a bowl of milk. This little ritual reminds me of my Grandma's Mexican customs when people would give me the "evil eye" when I was a little girl. When I wouldn't stop crying she would rub an egg over my body and pray. As she finished praying she would crack the egg in a clear glass of water and place it under the head of our beds. If that yolk turned white in the morning it meant that someone has mailicious intentions toward you. There are similarities because there are countless other little rituals that Mexicans do which is technically not right in the Catholic faith, but we practice anyway. I guess Spaniards and Mexicans have these practices in common. Same Movie, different topic.

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