martes, 19 de febrero de 2008

Venezuela will miss Fidel Castro

After much deliberation, I felt that this would be a good topic, because for ...ALL of us here, Fidel Castro has been in power our whole lives. Well, today he announced his resignation, he wrote: "I will not aspire nor accept -- I repeat I will not aspire or accept, the post of President of the Council of State and Commander in Chief."

I was vaguely aware of the influence he had in South America, so my question was how will probably be impacted by Fidel Castro's leaving the most...and some research the answer is clear--Venezuela.

During the past decade, Hugo Chavez, the leader of Venezuela, and Fidel Castro have formed an alliance, punned by some to be an "axis of evil," but if I were living in Venezuela, I would be very happy with it. According to the UN 32% of Venezuelans lack adequate sanitation, primarily those living in rural areas. Only 3% of sewage is treated; most major cities lack treatment facilities. (Even with this, they are trying to do something we still havent figured out how to do--provide free health insurance for everyone in the country for free). This could have been taken care of very easily, the only problem was that Venezuela was currently going through a shortage of doctors, and the ones they did have are underpaid.

So... recently not only has Chavez raised the pay of state doctors by 60% but in 2005 Fidel Castro sent 20,000 Cubans (14,000 being physicians) to Venezuela to provide free healthcare to the poor for free. Testimonials are everywhere online. This is a FIFTH of the doctors in Cuba. Makes me wonder if they were sent there willingly? Anways, Cuba has apparently been sending doctors to places such as Haiti and Equatorial Guinea for some time now. Cuba is getting oil (resulting in the biggest economic boost since the fall of the Soviet Union)...but Hugo says that has nothing to do with the doctors.

They will miss each other...Fidel Castro....and Hugo Chavez. With each other's help this were able to help there countries. I don't know...they might be secret lovers...because I don't know any other president that would send a fifth of their countries doctors over seas...but hey I am not complaining...till next time.


1 comentario:

Alejandra Zambrano dijo...

Secret lovers? That was funny!
You know something? Cuban doctors are really famous all over Latin America. Not only they go to Venezuela, but to all countries helping out people. For example, they perform free eye surgeries. You just show up, tell them you don't have money and voila!