miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008

It is clear that as time goes on, the spanish culture and the 'american' one are being integrated more and more. From singers like Shakira incorporating spanish into her songs, to movies like 'Dirty Dancing Havana Nights' becoming hits in the theaters, our culture has come to embrace theirs. Also, the number of Hispanic players in major league baseball, and the number of latin actors and actresses have increased dramatically.I have always been interested in taking salsa lessons, and when researching, I found that the university actually has many chances to not only take informal lessons, but whole day workshops a couple of times a semester! Also, I attended a charity event for Pratham, a non profit organization that promotes literacy in eastern asia, and saw the salsa club perform there. As the Hispanic population in the US, and particularly Texas increases, I feel that our cultures will be blended more and more, and in turn, serve as a comfort for those who have recently come to this country.

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