jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008


I was just recently reading a story about the working situations for women and children in certain areas of Mexico. This was something that I had never been aware of and couldn't believe what I was reading. The article was a continuum of a previous article written, in which, celebration was held because for the past nine months no women’s bodies had been found. This was a shock to me because this is absolutely not something we think about celebrating here. The article refers back to that article as a mistake because a local construction worker found another woman’s body about three weeks after this article. This discovery led to five bodies being found in the same relative area. This story was such a shock to me that something like this was not a bigger deal. I read more into the free trade and factories called maquiladoras, that currently stand as the far from ideal workplace in which women and children spend a majority of their day. It amazed me that these women and children are forced to work in such harsh conditions and not to mention their safety is at risk every time they go to or from work. They have found that a number of the suspects of the murders are the very bus drivers that take the women to and from the factories. This is such a scary thought to have to deal with every day. I cannot even imagine having to fear for you life everywhere you go, which is obviously something that is very different from our culture and security in America. These women are waiting for buses on unlit corners and allies where anyone could take them and it would go unnoticed.

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