lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

What I Learned About Puerto Rico

I learned a lot from Lorna on Thursday and thought I would cover a little of everything. Lorna lived in Puerto Rico for 24 years. She just recently came over here to finish her education. Her favorite food from Puerto Rico is Mofongo, which is fried plantains. She told us that there were many different ways that you could make Mofongo, but her favorite was with lobster and shrimp. We also discussed plantain chips, which I have never heard of.
Lorna also spoke of how small Puerto Rico was. She says that it is definately not like New York, where everyone walks everywhere. Cars are used to get around the island. There is also a train, but it is very expensive to use. When she goes back, she usually goes to the beach, watches tv, and goes to her parents house.
Lorna's favorite things about the island are the people, culture and the welcoming feeling when you go there. Her favorite festival is las fiestas de la calle San Sebastian. It is held in January. There are arts and crafts, food, and music. The festival is held outside on the streets of downtown.
Her least favorite aspect of Puerto Rico is the politics. She says that Puerto Rico is all about politics and it is a very complicated subject.
The most popular type of music in Puerto Rico is reggae tone. Reggae tone is a mix of rap and reggae. Reggae tone used to be called underground before it became what it is today. Pop rock and salsa are also two popular types of music.

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